CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

'Shadowlands' and an unwanted sound effect

startribune: "I don't mean this for theater audiences generally, nor for Guthrie audiences generally, nor even for the audience that came on Sunday night to see the Guthrie's fine production of 'Shadowlands.' I mean it for the one person somewhere toward the left side of the house whose cell phone went off during the second act."


Chase said...

I'm the kind of person that's not afraid to walk down the aisle after the show and bitch that person out. Actually, I do it quite often. The prerecorded message played at the opening to remind you to turn off your cell phone and to shut up isn't played for our enjoyment. One person had the nerve to tell me to shut up and turn around that no one tells him to be quiet. I asked him to shut up and understand the show.

sarah benedict said...

I completely agree that cell phones ringing ruins a performance and is horribly rude, if you are that attached to your phone at least put it on vibrate. This way you know when you get a call, but everyone around you is not disturbed. I did however loose confidence in the author when they started questing people with hacking coughs seeing a show. I don't know about you, but I'm not going to allow a cough to keep me from seeing a show, i just think the writer went too far here. It is one thing to be annoyed by someone who is too lazy to turn off their phone, but to be annoyed by someone who is sick implies that you are just in a bad mood.

NorthSide said...

Alright, bravo to this man. I also love that he used his power of media to bitch him out. That's pretty bad ass. However, he sounds like a snob with a stick up his ass. Cell phones are one thing but leave the coughers alone! They have a right to go to the theatre. It makes them forget they have a cold. Plus, then they'd just go home and watch tv if you kicked them out. Then you're just promoting tv and demoting theatre. Way to go you.