CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Rigging Information

Technical Direction Tidbits: "I am in the process of buying a dozen or so pre-made wire rope cable assemblies made with stainless steel wire rope and have been coming across a few good resources to pass along."


Derek said...

Some pretty useful links. I like the first's turnbuckle with the swivel eyes. The rest is less about useful hardware, and more about the tricks of the trade, or material numbers for the hardware. I think its funny that the coast guard has a book.

BWard said...

Its nice that there's a listing of these resources on one page now. Sure, there's a lot of information on the web now about rigging, but without the pagelinking thing, you're never quite sure if someone else is endorsing that information. While there are a ton of opinions on what to use and how to do things, knowing that someone else thinks so is reassuring

Chase said...

I bookmarked it. I always like those sites that list things out so I can say "oh, I wonder who would have this strange rigging thing" and shazam I have a list. Some of them where obvious sites like Sapsis, but If you didn't know the url it may have helped.

Anonymous said...

Would be cool if we could make a website for us here at CMU with these kinda of resources brought together in house for us. Of course there is the whole, who's going to do it but hey, instead of writing about comments we could go and get information to post in a useful manner on a page for ourselves.