CMU School of Drama

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Pre-Conference Workshop to Feature Advance Model Making

Sightlines: "Paul Shortt, along with fellow master model makers and designers Tom Umfrid and Brian Ruggaber, will present a Professional Development Workshop (PDW) at the 49th annual Conference & Stage Expo in Cincinnati. Advanced Model-Making: Beyond Elmer’s and Foam-core will explore advanced modeling techniques that will take models to the next level. Beyond Elmers and Foam-core is an advanced master class and is intended for the professional scenic designer and charge artist."


Anonymous said...

Gianni teaches a lot of these elements in 3-D Scene Design Skills. Anne covers the model photographing elements briefly in 2-D. The soldiering portion of 3-D really helped me out with clean looking inorganic elements (primarily made out of metal). It's like Susan says, if it's made out of ____, then make your model out of _____.

Interesting seminar. Wish I could go.

weandme said...

this sounds very exciting. however, it seems as though technology could advance model making as well. in the school of architecture they have 3D printers that carve and cut, much like a cnc router. i think theatre designers should manipulate this technology to make more advances in model making.