CMU School of Drama

Monday, November 10, 2008

The Met's first interactive opera

Core77: "The day's of projecting video live on stage to enhance the visual experience has come a long way, this Friday's performance of 'Faust' at the Metropolitan Opera will see the most sophisticated interactive technology they've incorporated to date."


Anonymous said...

This sounds like SO much fun! Not just to watch, but the creativity and knowledge of the people who created this interactive technology. To think that you could have something as interactive as this in general, but then to incorporate it on stage, in front of an audience is amazing. Projections is definitely the new and up and coming thing in terms of technically savvy shows, so to see the beginnings of what is yet to come is amazing!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's some amazing technology. I'm not quite sure how it constitutes as "interactive though? I was expecting something with audience participation in the determining the visuals of the performance. Of course, that is probably a terrible terrible idea know what user generated content has contributed to internet culture. Never mind, I'm rambling.
Still...what if you had a music visualization system like the iTunes visualizer, with random effects or effects controlled by variables like the temperature in the room? The projections would be different every time you saw it.

Anonymous said...

This sounds amazing!!! Its seems similar to theatre of the senses but maybe better. I really want to se this production! The birds and colors changing to the different sound inflections and color changes would be amazing!