CMU School of Drama

Monday, November 03, 2008

If roadies ran the ... ... - King Kaufman's Sports Daily

Salon: "There's a TV commercial in fairly heavy rotation during sportscasts for a wireless company. It's one of a series asking the question 'What if [members of some profession] ran the world?' The ads show these people using their wireless devices to be amazingly efficient."


Anonymous said...

it's so true! i watched the commercial and just started laughing, thinking to myself that it would be nothing like this. The author of the article is right about how it would actually happen, and to add to that i think there would be a lot more intoxicated roadies stumbling to get things prepped. And if a break came along, the passengers would have to fend for themselves while the "crew" dropped everything they were doing and left. this was very funny though, kind of a hilarious, yet frightening thought.

NorthSide said...

I guess the outlook on crew memembers is rather flattering since the writer believes us to be officent and able to handle anything, no matter how large. It's good he/she never sees the lazy crew member, the irate stage manager calling a cue that's not coming, etc. What an ideal world this commercial has made up. Wouldn't it be lovely?

Unknown said...

That’s badass. Roadies operating a plane is kinda like touring. The roadies should be more coked up though.

Anonymous said...

This is the first time I've seen roadies shown to be at least human level intelligence level. Normally they both seem to be cast as the creepy, overweight, or over tattooed friends of the band who weren't good at anything else so they wind up working as roadies. I would've liked the article to talk more about how most would be smoking while working, but that's a separate topic. I looked at some of the other videos based around the [if this job not many people know about] ran the world, and they all seem to make it seem like these people are just incredibly efficient sensible people. No real harm, but defiantly unrealistic.

MBerger said...

I think it is interesting that roadies would be considered to be an effective operating group to handle flying an airplane. While they can certainly load in a show in under 4 hours and take it down in 1, I'm not sure that this is the best use of advertising. As Charlie mentioned, roadies tend to be cast usually as large overweight-over tattooed people who don't get much done. So why would the company want to use roadies for the epitome of efficiency?

Anonymous said...

Not 5 seconds after I saw this commercial I went and found it online and sent it to some friends. I think it's funny and makes an interesting point without being too serious.

In response to what some other said--sure roadies aren't as efficient and "clean" in real life as depicted in the commercial, but maybe that's the point...? These fancy walky-talky phones could make their "cool" job even cooler and more efficient.

Derek said...

Great! I especially like the pyrotechnics on the runway. I agree with several comments though that in real life, they would have need to take a 15 in the middle there, with things going crazy. The attendant on the plane is great because he is really only talking to one guy, and he is talking really fast, while doing the movements for things; nobody else on the plane knows whats going on, and the guy he was talking to was probably back at step one.

BWard said...

while it was a great ad, i dont think they were grumpy enough. and there wasn't enough coffee involved.