CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Gay arts group sues Milwaukee for discrimination "A gay arts group has sued the city of Milwaukee in federal court for violating its free speech rights three years ago when officials shut down a musical revue featuring nudity."


sarah benedict said...

Although I understand this came off as discrimination and I don't doubt some was involved, it seemed they had a strong basis on a lack of permit. If the law exists that a theatre need a permit to perform and they didn't have a permit, shutting them down seems logical. Hopefully, for the sake of the theatre, this law doesn't really exist and was just loosely fabricated at the time of their run so they can easily prove their discrimination claims - but if the state has a law requiring permits i think the lawsuit is a shot in the dark.

NorthSide said...

I understand Sarah's argument but the journalist also made a case that not all theatre's need a permit. This could mean the city is trying to control the more "controversal" theatre's content, subtle as the attempt may be. Either way, it's refreshing to see a city get up in arms about theatre since most cities seems to go with the flow and whatever sells. Having a controversy over theatre is hard sometimes these days.