CMU School of Drama

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Water service restored

Post Gazette: "Repairs to the line between the Herron Hill Reservoir and the pumping station at Dithridge and Centre were finished yesterday morning and service was restored, said Gregory Tutsock, executive director of the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority, though some households continued to have low pressure."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After the water main break, I was amazed at how the university reacted. While I would have loved a gallon of water that night, I felt that the university had the appropriate response to the situation. The first night was the hardest to obtain water. I tried to grab some in entropy, but of course they were all sold out. I ended up bumming a bottle off of someone down the hall, but when I woke up I definitely felt the need for more water. I had no idea that I drank so much water.

I managed to grab two gallons of water the second day, and I put my new electric-kettle to work. It was a process but it worked out well. It feels odd to have a back up supply of water in my dorm room, but it makes complete sense. If you haven't already, I highly recommend saving the gallon jug that we were given and stashing it someplace.