CMU School of Drama

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Theater offerings from Shakespeare to Steelers

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: "From Austen to Zola, the fall theater season offers a rich mix of plays aimed at everyone from the youngest audience members to veteran theater fanatics."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found this article interesting, if for no other reason, than to remind us that a wide variety of theatre can be performed within a location at one time. This article should leave at least something to look forward to for everyone. I know that I found some upcoming productions not that fascinating, such as Pride and Prejudice, but that is most likely because for an unknown reason I cannot read, watch, or experience that story in any way. Avenue Q of course sparks my interest as I enjoyed it so thoroughly the first time, but I was also amazed at the idea of the play that is going to be performed in the empty swimming pool in Braddock. I will definately have to look into that more.