CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

How to Enjoy What You Are Doing No Matter What "Ideally, we can choose to always do what we love without ever needing to think about the things we don’t like. That, unfortunately, is not the case in real world. There are times when we need to do something we don’t like."


Anonymous said...

These tips are vital to our profession. I really feel that it's important to take what you can from everything you do because it's so easy to apply things you learn in other disciplines to theater and entertainment in general. It's incredible when you can link everything you learn in your life to your work and I feel that it's important to do that in order to keep your passion alive and fresh when things get stagnant.

Anonymous said...

I had this experience this summer. Working for the Washington Wild Things there were plenty of moments that were fun. At the same time, there were plenty of dull moments that I felt were not important to my job. Thinking about it at the moment, I felt it was much more important for me to work hard and get a job done than enjoy it. Employers look for people who will work despite not liking the work.

Anonymous said...

i think that this is something that we have all encountered on some level in the near past and will continue to in the near future. i think it is the nature of our program to do things that not all of us will enjoy, and i think that its a good thing, it definitely teaches the benefits of finding the good and finding the balance and the necessity for being in the moment and understanding the bigger picture, something that I'm sure most of us wont realize until much later in life....

Dave said...

Every profession is going to have something that isn't fun. Yes even theatre. Like paperwork. Working through these moments is an essential skill to your success.

Anonymous said...

I know that looking at the long term benifits and finding out what you can learn from something really help to motivate me into doing something I don't like to do. Especially when I'm doing work, for say, my interp class. I figure, I'm paying for it, and i'm going to learn something from it... And learning is always a long term benifit. Short term benifits help too, like: if I finish this, then I get to go to bed.