CMU School of Drama

Saturday, September 22, 2007

CMU students not alarmed by terror threat

Pittsburgh City Paper - Pittsburgh: "Three times in the past three weeks, Carnegie Mellon University has received bomb threats in anonymous e-mails. Like a dozen other universities across the country receiving similar threats, CMU evacuated buildings and swept them for bombs. But nothing has been found -- and if the e-mailer is hoping to terrorize students, it isn't working."


Ryan said...

It's funny because the water main was such a bigger deal than the bomb threats. The joke was that it was just someone who couldn't handle the homework and needed class canceled. The way that students are handling this is the way it should be handled. If something blows up run. Other than that you can't live your life in fear all the time every day. If you do you will not have one and it will be a miserable existence.

Aaron S said...

The Boy Who Cried Wolf anyone? American youth feel like they're on top of the world. Nothing can hurt us. A bomb threat is nothing. Especially as Drama majors who rarely leave Purnell we just don't care if there is a bomb threat somewhere else on campus. Maybe university police should spend less time anf energy responding to these repeatedly false bomb threats and more time monitoring the campus so they know there are no bombs there anyway. Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

I understand that people are don't really think this is a big deal. I don't think it is either, but you have to remember to just be smart about it. It doesnt hurt anything to take the necessary precautions. What if they school had the attitude of "well the last 3 were false alarms, this next one is probably the same" and then there actually IS a bomb. I just think it's better to be safe than sorry. I'm sure students would feel differently if it was their building that was targeted.

Kelli Sinclair said...

It seems that people are not truly scaried untill it actually happens. The more bomb threats get reported and nothing actually serious comes from it the less people are gonna care. Yes, it should always be looked into no matter how many threats there have been. But if the threats are really meant to scare students then trust me they don't care. The more something happens the less effect it has.

Anonymous said...

I cannot speak for people who were more"directly" affected by the threats, but as a drama major I can say that as far as i am concerned, if a threat does not concern, Purnell, the UC, or Mudge. I feel like i would be getting worked up over nothing. Not to say that a bomb threat is nothing, the people in affected areas should take whatever action they can to protect themselves and others. however with the frequency of these threats, there is no need for widespread panic each time something happens.

Anonymous said...

Bomb and other similar threats are difficult because you have to take them seriously yet most dont. The reality is (and this is good) that a ridiculously low number of these are credible. most of the time it is just someone trying to get out of class or ruin someones day. The public middle and high schools (same campus) near me would get a bomb threat every few days, and even the intermediate school got them every few weeks. The administration had it down to a science; they would sweep the entire building thoroughly, often in less than a half hour, and get the kids back to class. Usually, they didnt even evacuate. There was never a bomb. No one ever got hurt. Every time there is a bomb threat here, its effect weakens.