CMU School of Drama

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Being known for two roles is just loverly for 'Fair Lady' Howes

Post Gazette: "Some performers go through their whole careers identified mainly with one role, some with many, but for Sally Ann Howes, there are two. In theater, she's famed for being the first to follow Julie Andrews as Eliza Doolittle in 'My Fair Lady' on Broadway, back in 1958. And she's known to a larger audience as Truly Scrumptious, the English beauty who galvanizes the heart of Dick Van Dyke in the 1968 movie 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.'"


Anonymous said...

This article is really amazing and really inspiring. I love hearing about people who love their work enough to stick with it for so long and I love hearing about such optimistic, lively little old ladies! I only wish everyone with such passion could find success, that we could all have such meaningful, enjoyable careers. But how great it is to read about it when we're young--it's makes me appreciate what I'm doing and it gives my own beginning a little bit of perspective and a little bit of hope. We should all find what we love and go for it, I guess is what it means.

Harriet said...

there is something to be said about actresses being comfortable revisiting shows later in their lives. One could see a Maria going on to play the Reverend Mother. It shows a true dedication to the art form and not just to the short period of time when one is young and famous.