CMU School of Drama

Thursday, February 06, 2025

BLUE MAN GROUP Co-Founders To Join NY Production For Final Performances Blue Man Group will conclude its history-making residency in New York City next month. As part of the farewell celebration, Blue Man Group co-founders Chris Wink, Matt Goldman, and Phil Stanton will return to the stage as Blue Men for two special performances.


Esther said...

I just love the Blue Man group. I think that what they have created over the past years of their existence has been life-changing, and I don’t think there has been a group before that so I don’t see it is surprising that the cofounders will come to New York for their last show. I am surprised that they are ending as a group because I think their show is so universally awesome and cool that for them to be ending and it being a big celebration is not something I put on my 2025 bingo card. I think what they have done has impacted so many people to think outside of the box because now they see that anyone can do anything. People will like it and enjoy it if it’s entertaining, and I believe that for the fun world that we live in it has opened so many more doors and has given an outlook to people that didn’t expect to like the blue man group at first.

Audra Lee Dobiesz said...

I love the blue man group so much. I think I can recall seeing one of their performances when I was very young, probably around 7 years old and it was such a blur. In terms of marketing, the blue man group always gave me a similar vibe to shen yun. Highly marketed and well known, I usually see signs for the blue man group on billboards on highways and huge signs downtown. I think its sad that they are having final performances  because i really would love to see them again. I think their act is so simple yes so effective. You really cant go wrong with a dark room, drums flying paint, and strange music. I think its super cool to be painted blue on purpose unlike jesse pinkman. If i was bald id probably paint myself all sorts of colors too. Even with hair in fact, id love to paint myself purple for and live in a purple body for a day. Id probably want to do it quite often.

Em said...

its so cool that some of the original members are coming back for the final performance! I've never seen the blue man group, but I've wanted to for a very long time. I remember hearing about them for the first time in my intro to theatre arts class in middle school (which is actually the reason I'm here now) and thinking how odd they seemed, but in a really fascinating way. I wish I couldve seen them *in* new york, but I definitely think theres hope for me to get them to see them in other cities! They're such a ubitquitous theatre staple.