CMU School of Drama

Friday, September 13, 2024

Reframing 9/11: PAC NYC’s First Year

New York Theater: The opening of the new performing arts center at the World Trade Center site a year ago has done what the rebuilders had hoped it would, at least for me. On the twenty-third anniversary of 9/11, the imagery of Ground Zero, and my memory of that awful day, have been supplemented (if not yet completely replaced) by a year’s worth of memorable theatrical performances within the glowing marble cube of the Perelman Performing Arts Center at the World Trade Center, now commonly called PAC NYC, during its eclectic and effective inaugural season.

1 comment:

FallFails said...

Taking tragedy and turning it into something positive is a strong stance to back and I feel like the choice of performances in the new performing arts center at the World Trade Center has made a great start. Even with some of the performances having heavy theming it shows there is hope to take the bad and make it something good. The use of this space to not only show strength but to also build connections with other cultures is a very powerful message that show that this event that created a racial divide can be overcome through the connection of performance and understanding. These stories are important to tell and what better place then one that exemplifies the overcoming of tragedy and horror.