CMU School of Drama

Monday, September 09, 2024

NFTRW Weekly Top Five

Here are the top five comment generating posts of the past week:

Stage Manager: Are they Functionary or Creative?

StageLync: If it’s a new work, next would be the playwright or composer and if it’s a musical, the choreographer and musical director. Next would come the designers; the set designer, costume designer, lighting designer, sound designer, possibly a video or projection designer. Then you might include the cast, especially if it’s an ensemble work. But if I was to ask you if you considered the stage manager to be a ‘Creative’, what would you say? Many would answer no, although they would acknowledge that the stage manager is essential to any theatre production.

7 Questions to Ask When Weighing a Job Offer With an offer in hand, the real decision-making starts, says Dawn Graham, the author of Switchers: How Smart Professionals Change Careers — and Seize Success. You now must weigh not only the salary and benefits but also the role’s potential to challenge and stretch you, the work-life balance it offers, and whether the company’s vibe and values match your own.

Troubleshooting Tips for Live Production: Stay Calm, Communicate Clearly, and Plan Ahead

Church Production Magazine: In the classic 1995 film Apollo 13, which chronicles the attempts to rescue astronauts whose shuttle befell catastrophe while attempting to reach the moon, actor Ed Harris utters one of the best leadership lines that could ever be applied to a critical situation when troubleshooting and problem-solving are paramount.

Why Is It Called a Phillips Head Screwdriver? If you’ve ever undertaken any sort of home repair project, it’s all but assured you have either used or heard the following phrase: “Hand me the Phillips head screwdriver.” This distinction is key, as one cannot rotate a flat-head screw with a cross-patterned Phillips head tool nor use a flat-head driver with a Phillips screw.

Portland Center Stage Partners with IATSE, Strengthening Commitment to Fair Labor Practices Portland Center Stage has announced that it has officially entered into an agreement between PCS and IATSE, the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, to provide representation to our Production Staff, a historic step forward in our ongoing commitment to supporting the arts and the skilled professionals who bring our productions to life.


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