CMU School of Drama

Sunday, September 15, 2024

NFTRW Weekly Top Five

Here are the top five comment generating posts of the past week:

Immersive Art Is Exploding, and Museums Have a Choice to Make Blockbuster art exhibitions were once largely the province of museums. Crowds now flock to popular immersive exhibitions—where all you see is a part of the artwork—in a new breed of art venue. Last year, some 2.4 million people paid approximately $25 each to experience teamLab’s Planets exhibition in Tokyo, racking up ticket sales on a par with box office revenues at the Met or the Tate.

Go Behind the Trapeze Work in WATER FOR ELEPHANTS See cast member Sam Renaud control the rigs for the trapezes while Isabelle McCalla sings "Easy." While singing along, Renaud manages the ropes that support the intricate fly system used in the production.

Where Did the Creatives of the 2023–24 Broadway Season Go to School?

Playbill: As part of Playbill's Back to School week, take a look at our annual report on the colleges and universities with the most creative alums performing on Broadway in the 2023–24 Broadway season. Below you'll find this year's top 10 most represented schools for Broadway creatives, plus some honorable mentions. Take a look and see if your school—or a school you're considering attending—made the list!

Behind the scenes of the record-breaking Adele LED wall The Adele residency at the Munich Messe in Germany did not just witness the installation of the world’s largest, continuous, temporary outdoor LED wall. It also required “the largest hanging bracket ever built”, and immense feats of accelerated planning by supplier Solotech, working in collaboration with its partners.

All About Scentscaping By now, you’ve probably seen the video circling around that shows fresh flowers being sprayed with fragrance in preparation for a wedding ceremony—someone’s definition of scentscaping. Was it just us or was anyone else horrified when they saw this (we know all the florists in the room are screaming with us)?!


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