CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

McNeal—and Robert Downey Jr.'s 'Metahuman Digital Likeness'—Want to Talk About A.I.

Playbill: Academy Award-winning actor Robert Downey Jr. is making his long-awaited Broadway debut starring in Lincoln Center Theater’s world premiere of Ayad Akhtar’s McNeal, currently in previews and opening at the Vivian Beaumont Theater September 30. And making its own Broadway debut alongside the film star? A “highly realistic Metahuman Digital Likeness” of Downey himself.

1 comment:

Abby Brunner said...

The idea and use of A.I in art will continue to frighten me at how powerful it is at telling our stories for us. What I find most interesting about this article is that the theatre and film industry went on strike for about 9 plus months just recently protesting the use of A.I and digital copying of artists on screen and stage, and yet here is a production about to open on Broadway doing just that. The concept and idea of having an A.I copy of Robert Downey Jr. on stage is one that is technically challenging and I would love to see it portrayed on stage. But I wonder if the same message of the show would come across just as well as if there was a stand-in look-alike actor for Robert Downey Jr.’s second character. What Akhtar is doing with this play is monumental, but it will be interesting to see if the theatre world either rejects it or accepts it into a new normal for shows in the future.