CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Introducing the Women of 'POTUS,' the Political Farce Opening City Theatre's 50th Season City Theatre is getting ready to open its 50th season with an election-season farce, featuring a cast of formidable women who together keep a fictional administration afloat.


Abby Brunner said...

I know City Theatre’s season has been in a lot of news articles recently, and so it’s hard not to continue to read about this powerhouse of a play. I am working on getting tickets to go see this show live so that I can understand what all the excitement is about. I think it’s amazing how timely this play is, especially with the election right around the corner. These women casted are all stated to be local to the Pittsburgh area which is inspiring to see that City Theatre continues to help local artists around the Pittsburgh area gain work and experience especially in something so important to our current society’s dialogue. From what I have heard about it, this play is a seriously funny feminist satire that I can’t wait to see. I’m also excited to listen to the WQED segment of it that will air sometime soon, as my sister is working on producing it. Not only will she be able to talk to the leading woman but she’ll get an insight into the world of this play. Overall, if I get to see Potus I will be so grateful to see something so hilariously relevant to today’s society.

Carly Tamborello said...

This sounds like a super fun show, and an incredible cast. We’re definitely living in an era that is ripe for political comedies. It would be very easy to say that our own current political climate is somewhat ludicrous, to the point that it can be comforting to see a fictional political world that we’re actually meant to laugh at. The central tenet of this piece seems to be the idea that it is often the women behind the scenes who are running the show and avoiding crises, despite the fact that the credit for any successes tends to fall on the nearest man. That absolutely extends into the world of politics. I love that this is able to be produced in Pittsburgh with such a talented team, and right at the height of election season––hopefully this show will even encourage people to get out and vote.