CMU School of Drama

Monday, March 12, 2018

Will #MeToo impact Bill Cosby’s retrial? This week Bill Cosby, accused of sexual assault by more than 50 women, returned to court for hearings to determine if new or additional evidence will be allowed during his retrial for sexual assault charges.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The story Bill Cosby used to be the main sexual assault cause of Hollywood. However, with everything that is going on currently, it does not surprise me that the Times Up movement is something people are saying will sway the jury. I think that there are plenty of women that have been sexually assaulted by Bill Cosby and he is one of the only people within the entertainment industry to have gone before a judge and a jury. In addition there are people who are now recent Oscar winners who have been accused of sexual assault. The Times Up movement is still super new, and there has been nothing more and incremental changes in our society towards men and the violence they may commit. Bill Cosby deserves a fair trial, as does anyone that goes through the judicial system, but I think that including 19 new witnesses could be monumental in changing the opinion of the jury and in serving justice to all those women.