CMU School of Drama

Monday, March 05, 2018

Theatre is a part of the community building. Selling it is the Job! There is no short supply of great theatre in Los Angeles. Better than great, brilliant! Earth shaking, soul transforming, awe inspiring theatre! I’m not just talking about Hamilton. Nor is it limited to The Center Theatre Group, The Geffen, or the other regional theaters here is southern California. Los Angeles is home to somewhere around 300 intimate theatre companies. And while many of these produce great theatre there are a dozen or so that consistently produce exceptional world class theatre.

1 comment:

Alexander Friedland said...

I don’t really know what I was expecting to read about when I saw the title of this article but the second I read the section that talks about the numerous awards that these companies received, I was intrigued. I am always interested when theatre articles try to promote awards because I don’t see the value to art being rewarded. I’m a little confused why the articles start off talking about how good smaller than larger commercial theatre keeps getting rewarded and segues into talking about the difference being marketing. I understand that this conflates the local smaller theatre quality to the larger commercial theatre but besides to show a marketing difference what is the point. I might be confused because the article doesn’t seem to have a strong message about what is it trying to say. The article talks about marketing in theatre but does this in a very disjointed way. The ending of the article is much more strongly written but overall, this article due to its poor writing disappoints me.