CMU School of Drama

Monday, July 21, 2014

What will be the next wave of classroom technology? At orientation this past week, I was talking with an incoming freshman and her family about an app we’re working on "for students with smartphones." Her 16-year-old brother's immediate reply was, "who doesn't have a smartphone?" It's hard to believe, but today’s incoming freshmen were going into 7th grade when the iTunes App Store launched. So now that apparently "everyone" has a smartphone, it begs the question of "what's next?"

1 comment:

Julian said...

I don’t really see how Google Glass or other wearables will be the next wave of “classroom technology.” Sure, they might be the next gadgets students have, but they will probably also be told to turn them off and put them away during class. I feel like classroom technology isn’t the same thing as technology students have. I see it as what teachers and students use during class. From what I have seen in my classes, the next wave of technology being USED in the classroom will probably be smartphone apps. One of my teachers briefly used a program called Geddit, which allowed students to periodically rate their understanding of a topic on a scale of 1-10, as well as anonymously ask questions or request help. The idea behind the program is very good, and all though it never really became a part of our class, I could see apps intended for class being popular if teachers could trust students to not play Angry Birds and Candy Crush. As far as I can tell, it will be a long time before wearables are common among students, let alone something they are allowed to even have visible during class.