CMU School of Drama

Friday, July 11, 2014

Safety Advice: Using a Bucket Truck

Signshop: A bucket truck is one of the essential tools utilized for up-in-the-air sign installations. But it’s important that these vehicles are used properly—both for the equipment itself and the personnel working in it. Bryan Wilkerson, vice president of manufacturer Wilkie Mfg., LLC, offers these five golden tips to ensure safety when operation and/or working in a bucket truck

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is really important that bucket truck operators follow the guidelines and rules spelled out by Bryan Wilkerson. It is critical for not only the safety of the operator, but also for the safety of people around the vehicle. Mr. Wilderson's list of five rules gives a good idea of what company's should follow, but it only brushes on the rules that operators should be following. Some might argue that there are safer ways of going about accessing things like the power lines, but as far as convenience goes this trumps all and this is an important thing for companies. When operators are up in the power lines, there are many things they have to stay aware of, and when operators get careless, other people start to be impacted. I would say that training provided to operate these machines should be fairly extensive and in depth. And since I rarely hear of injuries that occur with this type of equipment, companies that require the use of a bucket truck must do a good job of training their personal.