CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

If You’re Starting a Company, Shhhhh

Dance Magazine: Everyone knows it’s hard to keep a dance company going. And in this economy, it’s twice as hard. Sure, it’s nice when enterprising dance folks take the plunge to start new companies, but I wonder how many of these groups are going to last ten years, or even two?
Or if it's desirable.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Time management is such an essential part of every aspect of performing, especially for anyone in charge of others. It is unfortunate to waste your own time, but it is awful to waste someone else’s. When you sign on to instruct people in a dance studio you are not only making a commitment on paper, you are making a commitment to these students. Theatrical productions have their runs and then they close, and people in the field I’m sure get used to that sort of lifestyle, but that is not what opening a studio calls for. My advice, which is slightly different from the author and slightly less requested, is that the commitment you are making to these very real students should be heavily considered before you take on a company. People, students especially, are not something you can cycle through 5 times a year.

If you do decide to go through with it I think it would be fine for you to announce it! Let people familiar with your work find you. It sounds like a great way to build a dedicated student base!