Variety: The ranks of women working in film production have barely budged and even declined in some key areas over the past 16 years, according to a study released today.
The annual “Celluloid Ceiling” survey of employment in the top-grossing 250 domestic pics found that overall employment for women in 2013 came in at 16%, down 2% from the previous year and down 1% from 1998 levels.
The report was released Tuesday by Martha Lauzen, exec director of the Center for the Study of Women in Television and Film at San Diego State U. This year’s edition also tracked stats for women in below-the-line and vfx jobs, where the picture is similarly stagnant.
It shocked and saddened me to see the declining numbers of women in the film industry. Frankly, in a world that appears to be growing exponentially in terms of female empowerment, the amount of participation in film by women is incredibly surprising. I can't help but wonder if this is more largely due to a lack of opportunity or a lack of interest, and am curious to WHY in recent years when society is supposed to be so 'forward-thinking' that the numbers are continually declining.
I actually just watched a documentary called Miss Representation that mentioned females in the work place and specifically the entertainment and film industry. They were commenting on how men still dominate in higher and more desired positions in the industry even with the rise of women interested in it. The documentary used the director of Twilight who was female and then was replaced by male directors for the rest of the trilogy to put this case in point.
As for me, I think it is important to recognize that women are still trying to get a strong foothold in the industry, but I too am curious about qualifications, ability, and interest difference between men in the industry and women. Certainly we are growing in some areas, but there are still some older who are better. Furthermore, would not men pick up jobs with conditions that some women don't want to work in if there are more of them?
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