CMU School of Drama

Monday, October 21, 2013

Strength in Numbers: Taking Collective Action in New Orleans Theater

HowlRound: I learned about symbiotic relationships between organisms as an environmental studies major. Observing how living things adapt to create interdependent relationships that benefit the whole ecosystem must have influenced how I create theater; I’m not interested in the Darwinian view of survival for an arts organization. I am much more interested in collaborating with others to achieve a greater impact.

1 comment:

Jess Bergson said...

It is really inspiring that arts organizations in New Orleans are taking it into their own hands to support one another. While it is sad and unfortunate the the state has cut arts funding in Louisiana by more than 170%, the arts organizations do not seem to be very discouraged. The organizations are simply banding together and doing what it takes to keep the art community afloat. I imagine that this sort of symbiotic relationship does not exist in every state or city across the country. The New Orleans theaters could easily be threatened by the lack of funding, and emit competitive attitudes toward their fellow New Orleans arts organizations. However, this is clearly not the case. I am hopeful that the New Orleans theater and arts communities will thrive as long as they continue to support one another and persevere.