CMU School of Drama

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Preview: 'Measure Back' engages with armchair warriors

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: One play about war led to another, and director Christopher McElroen and actor T. Ryder Smith were compelled to create "Measure Back," a world premiere that examines the roles of the armchair warriors on the homefront. The idea came about when the friends were involved in a production of "Living in Exile," Jon Lipsky's adaptation of Homer's "The Iliad," that was written in response to the Vietnam War and set in a sparsely furnished living room in which four performers acted out or used music to illuminate raging battles and manipulative gods and goddesses.

1 comment:

caschwartz said...

I think the idea of interactive theatre like that is an interesting way to increase audience involvement, and it sounds as though interactive theatre was perfect for the show they were trying to create and the story they were trying to tell the audience. I do have to mention that I think you have to be very careful when doing a show like this that it really does fit the story you are trying to tell, and that it is not just being done for the sake of novelty.