CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Actors in City Theatre's 'Tigers' need to balance darkness with laughter

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: Statistics say that from 10 to 15 percent of the population are likely to experience a major episode of depression at some point in their life. Women are twice as likely as men to do so. So there's a whole lot of people out there who can relate to the theme of Kim Rosenstock's play "Tigers Be Still" that's playing at City Theatre through May 6.

1 comment:

K G said...

When I read the title for this article, I was expecting a much poorer review than was in actuality received. In fact, most of the text was simply stating what occurred in the production - making it not much of a review at all. When it finally came down to it, the opinion was passive at best. "Yeah, the show was okay, it could have been funnier." However, I really don't think it was supposed to be funny. A depressing show about depression, who knew? I understand that people sometimes go out to the theatre to have a good laugh, but if the author wanted that I don't think this was the right pick in the first place. (On another hand, 1hr 45min with no intermission is long!)