CMU School of Drama

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Carousel USA's Automotive Turntables

Core77: Imagine you lived in a San Francisco home like the one below, on a downhill one-way street, and drove a stickshift. Assuming you pull into the garage head-on, that means every morning you need to back out in reverse and uphill, all while watching out for the oncoming cars that will require you hit the brake and the clutch mid-maneuver. I guarantee you're going to stall out at least a few times a month, not to mention ride the clutch a bit more than you ought.


Page Darragh said...

This is a great invention! Being a technical person, I appreciated the genious of this idea. This is something you would see in a James Bond or Batman movie, but to actually be available for everyone is excellent. Now, I’m sure it isn’t cheap to have one of these built, but for convenience sake, it may be worth it. I loved the pictures and I loved how it could be built right into the driveway and be flushed with it. I would also think it would be a great added selling point for anyone having to move. Not having it and having to back up as it described would definitely be deterrent for me.

Will Gossett said...

These automotive turntables are quite a status statement (in a residential situation) but are also very practical. It's also cool to see technology in everyday life that is similar to that which is used on stage. I'm curious to know what a typical price quote for different sizes of these turntables would be. Also, how easily accessible is the control system? Is there a wireless system set up that would trigger the gear motors to rotate the turntable? Is it weight-sensitive? What safety interlocks are in place to detect obstacles or stop its motion if needed?

A. Surasky said...

It's great to see a story of such as this where we had the founder of this Carousel USA, John Thompson, had a basic problem, and he was smart enough and resourceful enough to come up with a solution, and then was able to turn around and market and sell that solution in order to help other people. The idea of using what is normally just a mere spectacle item for showing off a car into a useful way to help people get out of their small garages and driveways a little easier is a great idea. Great innovation, great idea, and props to Mr. Thompson for coming up with it, and executing it so well.

Luke Foco said...

This is really cool but wont it necessitate a larger area for each car? It would be awesome for people with a manual transmission. I wonder what the weight and size limits on these are.