CMU School of Drama

Saturday, February 25, 2012

TEDx Broadway videos are live.

Ken Davenport - Opinions from a Broadway Producer: One month ago, almost to the day, several hundred passionate people converged on New World Stages for the first ever TEDxBroadway conference. It was a very exciting day, with great speakers from our industry like Jordan Roth, Greg Mosher, Randy Weiner, Damian Bazadona and many more. And it also featured great speakers from outside our industry like Patricia Martin, Barry Kahn, Steve Gullans, Juan Enriquez and, you guessed it, many more.

1 comment:

kerryhennessy said...

These are all very interesting ideas. I think that it is a good exercise to look back at what has been accomplished in the last twenty years and try to predict what will happen in the next 20 years. Of course what is predicted is never what will actually happen but it gives a sort of goal to work for. It is also twenty years from now to compare the predicted to the actual and discover how much was predicted correctly or how far off the prediction was.