CMU School of Drama

Monday, January 10, 2011

Carnaval Del Broadway: In the Heights Wows Audience at Final Performance "The heat of Broadway's In the Heights raged a little longer than usual the night of Jan. 9, when the company played a final performance that started a little after 7 PM and came down around 9:50 PM. The running time of the usually two-and-a-half-hour show was swelled by multiple standing ovations and a curtain-call rap by its writer-star Lin-Manuel Miranda.


hmiura said...

Would have loved to be at the final performance with the screaming fangirls filling the theater.

MaryL said...

This night sounded fantastic! I am so jealous of Becca. Just once I want to be part of something this huge! Where everyone: audience, actors and crew are so fully focussed on this being not just a performance but THE performance. Just fantastic!