CMU School of Drama

Friday, March 12, 2010

PG West: Lincoln Park's 'Shall We Dance' looks more like a college production than a high school program

Post Gazette: "Rumors of the Lincoln Park Performing Arts Center kingdom in Midland have been filtering back to Pittsburgh for some time, so in pursuit of my long-range impossible dream of seeing a musical in every high school in southwest Pennsylvania, I hitched up my criticmobile and set forth."

1 comment:

aquacompass said...

Coming from a public school in rural New York, the notion of these magnet or specialized public schools was absolutely foreign to me before I came to CMU. I sort of cannot fathom a high school with a 31mil performing arts center. I would imagine that a great deal of support staff and personnel are required to keep that place operational -- no high school student, no matter who they are, can tackle that by themselves. On the one hand, good for them for having such great resources to learn from. On the other, seems like a waste of money when you take into account the other things that PA needs to spend its money on.