CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The COVID-19 Schedule for the Freelance Sound Designer Mom Yes, it’s another article about life in the Corona Virus quarantine. My world, along with all of yours, has been completely turned upside down, and I just wanted to share what I’ve been doing to cope, rest, learn, and thrive. I want to remind readers that this is just my personal experience, and no one should feel like there is something they HAVE to be doing while sitting at home every day in quarantine.


Unknown said...

During this period of isolation, it is very strange to have a purpose without a schedule set in place. I still continue to have days that are good but some that are not so great. When I decide to set goals for a specific day and set times that I would want to have, I tend to find my day to be more productive and I find myself in an overall more positive mood. Being a freelance designer at the moment must be frightening with so many people being out of business. I appreciate this set schedule with specifics that give change to things sometimes within 45 minutes of the previous task. I think I will attempt to do something like this. I know that most of my current schedule still is taken up from online classes and homework or project assignments but soon when school ends I will need to have a schedule to stay mentally sane.

Pablo Anton

Emily Brunner (Bru) said...

It is always interesting to see how other artists are coping with the monumental changes that the pandemic has brought. In this article, sound design freelancer, Elisabeth Weidner, has two kids and is home with them for the foreseeable future, with only one online class to keep her busy. Her schedule keeps her busy and motivated to do things that interest her and keep her engaged in her jobs. I try to find complete a normal schedule each day, and the regular schedule of classes help with that. I usually spend the weekends with my family or working on extra homework if I need to. But I am unsure what my normal schedule will be once school ends for the summer. I was very intrigued by the amount of online digital musical tools that are becoming more available for people, like Ableton and Logic Pro X. I'm excited to use these products and will probably spend most of my time this summer working on music and learning these new programs.