CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Rio de Janeiro Used Cutting-Edge Technology to Transform Its Giant Jesus Statue Into a Doctor to Honor Healthcare Workers With churches and other houses of worship closed to maintain social distancing measures, Brazilian archbishop Orani Tempesta conducted an Easter service at the feet of the Christ the Redeemer statue overlooking Rio de Janeiro—and projected a special message onto the 125-foot-tall statue.


Magnolia Luu said...

It's nice to see Brazil showing support for their health care workers as well as the hardest-hit countries in this way. It must be a really gratifying thing to see a picture of yourself doing your job with so much care projected upon a monument that's so central to your city and country. I bet some of the people whose faces were projected didn't know they were up there until family or friends sent them a picture and they then got to see their work honored. It's also a bit sad that there had to be a pandemic before health care workers were honored as heroes. What they do every day before, during, and after COVID deserves the appreciation they're currently receiving. There are hotels offering them free stays and community members taking care of them and making their thanks known but that kind of kindness and gratitude is something that should be going on all the time not just when there's a crisis.

Vanessa Mills said...

I remember an article that I read last week about companies using light in order to spread positive messages to the public during this pandemic, and I will say again that I believe using the impact of lighting to spread a positive message. The use of projections on such a monumental structure is just as beautiful. I think that it is amazing that the Brazilian archbishop chose to project onto the statue in order to spread hope to the public. As Brazil has been hit quite hard by this pandemic, hope is what the people need. However, not only was hope being spread to the people of Brazil, but the projections also honored and gave hope to people all around the world. We are all struggling to cope with this global pandemic. Anything that sheds light and positivity is extremely appreciated. I also think that it is beautiful how pictures of real doctors and nurses are being projected to remind the world that these are real people just like you and me. Real people who are putting both their and their families' lives at risk in order to help those sick from COVID-19. People who put their free time and personal struggles aside in order to help the public. People who deserve the greatest thank yous and respect from everyone.

Mia Romsaas said...

First of all, I love the title of this article. secondly it is heartwarming to see if people paying their respects and honoring our front-line workers and those out there so we can go to the grocery store and we can still have a relatively functioning Society through all of this. I have seen lots of videos of every night at the nightly shift change, people in big cities go out to their balconies and clap for the healthcare workers at the shift change. I think communities coming together to show appreciation for these people is really important because they are pulling us through this. Even small acts of kindness can go a long way. Aside from healthcare workers, grocery store workers, post service people, and all the others keeping society moving. It lifts people’s hearts to see these public almost like beacons of appreciation and hope. I think it brings people together.

Unknown said...

This is such a beautiful thing to do. It is so strange how some places just have such a significance around the world. I feel like the Statue of Liberty and the Eiffel Tower are other examples along with the Christ the Redeemer statue. I am glad that even though many people are frightened, not knowing much about the current pandemic going on, there is still love and support spread throughout the world. When I first saw this on Twitter, it gave me a little sense of hope and I just appreciated everyone a little more. I am sure the task wasn't simple for those who set it up, but using projection mapping technology to not harm this statue but to still put out a statement of support to all the healthcare workers everywhere and to all the people suffering, it was definitely worth the kind gesture. In this time there isn't a lot we are able to do. It is said to help others just stay away from others, which is very difficult for many people who usually crave human interaction. This is such a happy moment throughout this crisis that really brings everyone a bit more connected as we are apart.

-Pablo Anton