CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

ETC introduces new audio learning series: On Headset

et cetera...: We’re excited to introduce ETC’s On Headset, a new audio series that allows listeners to program in real time with a lighting designer as they construct the look of a major theatrical production.


J.D. Hopper said...

I love this idea! Something that I was looking forward to doing was taking advantage of the free EOS programmer courses so that I could sharpen my skills as a programmer. I have used a Ion lighting console since I was eleven years old, but I never really learned how to use it beyond basic practices to make things work that were in pre existing configurations. I would love to sharpen my skills a little and then try to practice programming from home on the ETC Nomad software to try and emulate a somewhat real programming environment. I think this is really cool for people who want to sharpen their skills and know what it is like to work with an accomplished professional in this field. I wonder how many more of these they will produce. I also wonder what considerations were in place while the participants knew that they were being recorded at all times. We've all said silly things into headsets before.

Elliot Queale said...

During these times the biggest thing we are missing in the classroom is the hands on practice. It's pretty hard to get comfortable with a table saw without ripping boards, frustrating to hold voice lessons over a laggy and compressed computer signal, and practice programming without a console. However, this On Headset series of lessons is a great way for young lighting techs to learn how to function in a real life programming environment. I remember being placed as the ALD under a Broadway designer during my undergrad, and just getting to hear him communicate with his programmer was worth the price of admission. Furthermore, not having the stress of entering the commands myself gave me time to fully process the workflow of lighting programming, making me far more prepared for when I started. I enjoy programming and have actually gotten pretty quick with the ETC Nomad key commands that I might give this a shot over the summer, but regardless of the situation I wish more audio recordings like this existed for practice.