CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Diversity in the Booth

Stage Directions: Imagine that someone charges you with the task of hiring a Black production manager. Once you have successfully navigated the why’s, wherefores and “say whats?” that making such a charged request would elicit in our current socio-political climate, you would find that you had very few options before you. Your hiring pool would be extremely meager, albeit spectacularly talented. Your hiring pool would consist of two individuals: David Stewart, production manager and SM instructor for the University of Wisconsin–Madison; and Tayneshia Jefferson, production manager/stage management lecturer for Indiana University’s Department of Theatre and Drama. Us.

1 comment:

ranerenshaw said...

This article brings to attention something that I personally feed is unfortunate. I feel like in the "booth" there is not only a lack of racial diversity but instead a lack of social diversity. The theatrical world usually attracts a very stereotypical personality. Walking around campus here at CMU it is actually quite easy to point out who is in the SOD opposed to who is in HSS or CS, etc., solely based on someone's appearance, hobbies, etc. I personally find it relaxing spend any spare time I have outside of classes and crew with people of different majors and backgrounds because it exposes me to a whole different aspect of our community. Sometimes the theatre world can be a vacuum.. David even says "the more I work, it seems the more I get away from my roots." It is hard to stay original in such a distinct environment. I hope in the next years the "booth" turns into the melting pot America is so famous for and artist from all walks of life can aspire in it..