CMU School of Drama

Monday, November 17, 2008

Study abroad booms as do student visits here

Post Gazette: "Kristin Podboy didn't go to Chatham University for Mayan ruins or rain forests, but her first-ever study abroad trip to Guatemala and Belize may prove the most memorable part of her college years."


Kelli Sinclair said...

I think studying abroad is important for all students to experience. They get to live and better understand a culture and at the same time get an all new experience with their work and education. I think that it’s sad that School of Drama doesn't support this to a great extent. It is completely possible, but with the heavy curriculum and number of shows it is difficult to find the right time to go. Some theatre schools go so far as to make a semester abroad mandatory. The school of drama is focused on just itself and needs to us students a more worldly education with studying abroad.

Katherine! said...

I really wish I got a chance to travel outside of the country, especially in college. It is too bad that school of drama has us working so hard with all our classes or that we don't get a chance to study abroad. Hopefully there will be time over the summer to "study abroad."

Anonymous said...

Oh man I would give anything to study abroad. Also to have the desire to do the work to study abroad. One day I'll get a job in Australia and have a pet kangaroo and my dream life, but for now, I think I will just try and get my homework done...

Anonymous said...

i would go through great deal of trouble if i can study abroad in england or france. i've only done summer studies, and i really want to get a different perspectives. if only school of drama could fully support it. but, i understand why it would be a little difficult to arrange for us. but one can only hope.

Chris said...

Recently, America has created some really negative impressions of itself in the international community, not only as a bully, but as a (at times) close minded society. Study Abroad programs do two things that help get rid of these problems. They get enthusiastic young people out in the world to improve our image as a nation, and the programs allow the students to obtain a more worldly view of life and our culture.

As theater students, study abroad programs can be invaluable because they expose us to different cultures and ways of doing things (and not just theater) that will inform our art.

Anonymous said...

Studying abroad is a life-changing experience which enhances one ability to viuew things in a wider perspective. As artists and creators too, this gives us a clearer insight into the cultures which feed world art and art forms and will ultimately enhance our ability to create art with a moral code and artistic eye for the socially relevant.

Megan Spatz said...

I agree with Kelli in that I wish the School of Drama were more open about study abroad opportunities. Its very difficult to figure out by yourself and I have often felt a lack of guidance from the school in this aspect. I really want to study abroad but a lot of the prep work is being done by me alone without the help of the school.

weandme said...

i agree with many of these people that study abroad would be a great opportunity for many students in the sod. however, i, like many other students, had to sacrifice that goal or going abroad because of the intensity and specificity of this particular program. i think if there was a way that study abroad could be incorporated into the program, it would benefit so many students. especially for a school that focuses on an art form that exists all over the world and is influenced by places and things all over the world.

AllisonWeston said...

I think that study abroad is a great thing to experience over the summer. We are here to learn at the School of Drama and if you want something else, then why are you here? There is plenty of time to go study abroad after college too. Why run the risk of falling behind? The idea is worth considering but the timing is key.

Anonymous said...

"Study abroad by Americans is booming, up 150 percent in a decade and 8 percent in 2006-07, the most current year for available data, according to the annual "Open Doors" report being released today by the Institute of International Education." This is amazing! I am honestly so happy that so many people are getting chances to study abroad or even just go abroad. Living in Europe made me realize how different the cultures are and what is expected from you in your schooling. I want to go to India and study Indian theatre, and I want this oppertunity, how how about we start doing the study abroad program!!:)