CMU School of Drama

Monday, November 24, 2008

Reuse business is booming

Post Gazette: "Construction Junction flew in the face of retail rules when it opened the doors of a cold, dark warehouse under the 62nd Street bridge nine years ago. Even in brighter digs now -- a warehouse in North Point Breeze -- it is cold in winter, the products are grungy and many have missing parts."


Isabella said...

I think it is so important to realize that reusing materials is not only important for the environment, but it can also be a great business. As mentioned in the article it is amazing how much can actually be reused, and what great condition some of the things we discard are in.

Aaron S said...

Material recycling in construction isn't a new thing, but it definitely has gained popularity in recent years. I think that this is a growing industry and that places like Construction Junction will pop up all over the country. I was surprised to read how profitable CJ is. It makes me wonder whether there are parts of sets that we throw out that could be donated and reused. It's something drama should definitely look into. I wonder if there are any liability issues with donating things to CJ.