CMU School of Drama

Friday, September 28, 2007

Could Broadway Go Dark?, Negotiations Between Broadway Producers And Stagehands Face Deadline

The ShowBuzz: "Talks between the League of American Theatres and Producers and the Broadway stagehands union, Local One, have been inching along this month but are approaching a League-imposed deadline."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The title of this article is scaring and anxious. If Broadway went dark, where would those 350-500 people working frequently on Broadway go? Although, they might work on TV or film, it would be hard to get a job at once. And "screen” industries might not need such number of workers. Also, if Local one yielded, would the non-profit organization take this opportunity to negotiate something as well? Plus, could dark Broadway affect NYC’s tourism? Usually, most of Broadway audiences are the visitors.