CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Island Shakespeare Festival’s Sustainability in Action

HowlRound Theatre Commons: Tucked into the far northwest corner of the continental United States, nestled into the waters of Puget Sound, lies the forty-mile-long island of Tscha-kole-chy, colonially known as Whidbey Island, Washington. Pacific Ocean winds rush through majestic Deception Pass, rocking towering fir trees. Killer whales splash past the oyster-strewn shoreline (some sporting a dead salmon as a hat, potentially this season’s orca fashion trend). This fantastical place is also the real home of an outdoor theatre, Island Shakespeare Festival (ISF).

1 comment:

Jo Adereth said...

Nowadays, the talk of sustainability, especially in theatre, has become more and more important, especially when we look at how much is thrown out at the end of most productions, since those materials are deemed “unusable” after one use. Island Shakespeare Festival’s initiative to run their company as “zero-waste” is brave and inspiring. Right now, the state of sustainability as a concept and an act is unfortunately fairly inequitable. A lot of the time, choosing to go green costs people and companies way more money, and in a financial crisis–along with being a theatre company, it’s not always easy to make this decision. It was awesome to read about what Whidbey companies are focused on this matter. To be surrounded by people who make sustainability one of their top priorities is really important. I wish Island Shakespeare all the best in their future endeavors and commend them for their hard work in this journey.