CMU School of Drama

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Going Green: Making Events More Sustainable with The Stage Bus

Event Industry News: As more and more events look to reduce their power consumption and power up on their green credentials, one element of live events that makes a huge impact is the stage. But no live event can do without stage and sound so what gives? That’s where The Stage Bus comes in…


FallFails said...

This is such a clever idea! We have all seen events with a small band or performance that is hauled around in the back of a van, but where these performances differ they surpass the others and rise above not only the efficiency of driving your own stage around, but also the sustainability of using solar power. The self containment of the workforce and equipment is also great! I am sure event planners love the ability to hire all their staff from the same place instead of having to search for multiple companies or hires. I would love to work at a company like this one that is dedicated to providing entertainment to others in the most sustainable way possible. The efficiency is an added bonus not having to haul equipment across a field or get to an event an hour early to set up is a great plus. Their dedication to sustainability is show by their dedication to continue to transition to greener practices not just for their buses but also for their workshop.

Eloise said...

The Stage Bus seems so cool in its ability to make anywhere a stage and to cut down on carbon emissions. I think this will do wonders for small festivals that do not have a traditional building for performers, or just for fun pop up performances on the edges of streets or in parking lots. I like how it is fully set up on the inside with built-in systems, though I wonder if they are easy to rearrange or switch out in case repairs need to be done quickly or when the system needs a full update. The bus seems to be mainly thought of with concerts in mind, which is cool for the amount of lights the bus can support and still be down in energy usage compared to other systems, but I wonder how this bus can be used for theatrical performances. I think it would be cool if they expanded their features to include ones that would be useful for other forms of entertainment, like changing spaces perhaps or a small backstage, or upstairstage in case its easier to go up rather than back.

Esther said...

This is so cool, and I love how long this has been going on, but I hate that I just found out about it. This bus was established two years after I was born 18 years ago. I just found out about it, which makes me sad because this is such a cool idea, and it looks so fun. I feel like you can incorporate it in so many different ways through concerts, performances that include children, a speech, and just simple things like that. I also think that having all of these technical aspects to it and it not just being a random black box type of stage, but also has all of these lights and production aspects to it that makes it more entertaining and engaging for an audience helps them remove the element that it might seem like this is just a bus that people are singing out of when it’s a much more sustainable way to perform and have bands and newer artists come out to the world and be exposed to more people. I think that it is a fantastic opportunity to have more and more of these type types of buses around, not just in the country but around the world.