CMU School of Drama

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Yesterday’s Broadway Warhorses, Saddled With Today’s Concerns

The New York Times: Two cheers for new voices! Of the 16 productions scheduled to open on Broadway between now and the end of the year, 12 are new to the Boulevard of Broken Budgets. But I’d like to reserve a third cheer for the fall’s four revivals, which may get less attention, having been this way before, but are likely to earn their keep if history holds true.

1 comment:

Rachel L said...

The one phrase that stood out to me the most in this article was, “they must find the micro of today in the macro of forever.” There are good shows, there are great shows, and then there are shows that will change you. I think that the quote above speaks to that change. Some shows take a piece of you that is now and replace it with a piece of something that is timeless and when you leave the theatre, you are different from when you entered. When I saw Hadestown, I was changed. While it is a newer musical, it is also an old, old story being told in a brand new way, and it changed me. So I will cheer right along with this author: Hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray for shows new to Broadway, and one final hip hip hooray for the shows that manage to shine new light despite having shone before. Hip hip hooray for the shows that change us time and time again.