CMU School of Drama

Monday, September 16, 2024

Werner LevelSafe Pro Ladder Accessory

Pro Tool Reviews: Using a ladder requires you to be on flat ground, but not all jobsites are perfectly level. To fix this issue, there are several ladder levelers and other accessories on the market from a variety of brands. If you primarily use Werner ladders, the brand’s new LevelSafe Pro addresses some common pain points for industry pros working on uneven ground. I’m looking at this ladder accessory to see how it could benefit you and your team.

1 comment:

Josh Hillers said...

If the functionality of the Werner LevelSafe is what it is described as, this seems like a no-brainer purchase to make for any outdoor ladder work, even if uneven ground isn’t a dramatic problem to be addressed. What I’m most curious about though are the safety precautions built into this equipment that prevent the ladder from becoming unlevel as they aren’t discussed here. Further, that it would be an interesting idea to have the LevelSafe have a locking mechanism based on the weight placed on it, ensuring that if someone is on a ladder that none of the adjustable mechanisms can be operated. But overall, it seems that this tool is not incredibly apt for theater work unless in very particular circumstances where the only option is to put a ladder on an uneven surface or make a platform to make an even surface for the ladder to rest on. As such, this might be worth the $200 investment, but likely will not be a standard use piece of equipment.