CMU School of Drama

Thursday, September 19, 2024

“The Most Daring Adventure Is Practicing Theater Remotely.” An Interview With Telematic Theater Pioneer Marina Hanganu [Part I]

The Theatre Times: Marina Hanganu is a theatre director, cultural manager and researcher exploring the intersection of art and technology from a practical and theoretical perspective. She holds a PhD in Theatre and Performing Arts from The National University of Theatre and Film I.L. Caragiale (UNATC) in Bucharest for the thesis Telematic Theatre – From Concept to Performance (2022), an MA in Advanced Theatre Practice from the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama (London, 2015) and a BA in Theatre Directing from UNATC (2014).

1 comment:

Julia H. said...

Marina Hanganu's exploration of telematic theatre may redefine our understanding of "live" performance. As artificial intelligence and digital worlds flourish, theatre has the potential to follow suit and discover innovative forms of expression. Hanganu's reflections on the essence of theatrical art are particularly inspiring. In a traditional setting, actors perform while the audience observes, creating a unique overlap of space and time. The theatrical space can evoke past eras or futuristic sci-fi settings, while the audience exists in the "now." If we deepen this concept through technology, we could enhance the audience's immersive experience, potentially breathing new life into the art of theatre. By integrating interactive elements and virtual environments, we can invite viewers to engage with the performance in ways that transcend conventional boundaries, transforming their role from passive spectators to active participants in the narrative. This fusion of technology and artistry could redefine the very essence of what theatre can be.