CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Pittsburgh International Classic Theatre will Present a One-Night-Only Preview Performance of 'Andy Warhol's Tomato' at the Warhol Museum on September 13th The Andy Warhol Museum and Pittsburgh International Classic Theatre (PICT) are partnering for a special one-evening presentation of Vince Melocchi‘s play Andy Warhol’s Tomato, directed by Elizabeth Elias Huffman, PICT’s Artistic Director. Playwright Melocchi was born and raised in McKeesport and currently writes and acts in theatre, film, and TV.

1 comment:

Abby Brunner said...

What an exciting opportunity to be able to go see this story about Andy Warhol at his museum in September. Andy Warhol has always been a fascinating artist to me and after recently visiting his museum I became even more intrigued about his life and how he thinks as an artist. It’s exciting that PICT will be able to partner with the Warhol museum to put on the play for one night at the Warhol museum. I wonder where in the museum they will put on this play, but I know that it will be fascinating to watch. I’m also excited to hear that PICT will be returning with shows to the stage as a theatre in residence with Carnegie Stage. Knowing that this play will be able to have a voice in the Pittsburgh community is exciting and I hope this sparks interest in the community to learn more about past artists and current artists in the Pittsburgh area who breathe life into our communities.