CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

'Outsiders' actress Emma Pittman says producer Angelina Jolie had her back as the only female lead in the Broadway musical This girl did not feel interrupted. The only female lead in Broadway’s “The Outsiders” said the show’s producer Angelina Jolie helped advocate for her and the other women in the cast.

1 comment:

Abby Brunner said...

If I get to go to New York again this year, I am hoping to see The Outsiders while I am there. I watched their performance at the Tony’s and was blown away by the talent and technical aspects. I also think it’s really interesting that Angelina Jolie and her daughter are producers of this show. It’s becoming more common now for books to become broadway musicals and I find that really interesting to see. So it’s inspiring to see such high profile actors interested in a startup broadway show. It’s stories like these that continue to make me more thankful to be part of the theatrical community where everyone has each other’s backs and uplifts one another. I know with the topics of The Outsiders and being one of the few women in the room, it can be challenging sometimes to feel like your voice and concerns are heard. Which is why it’s nice to hear that Angelina Jolie had all the girl’s backs and was supportive throughout the whole process. Because a show is really determined by the community that surrounds it.