CMU School of Drama

Thursday, September 05, 2024

NYMT Sets GUINNESS WORLD RECORD™ Leading youth arts organisation The National Youth Music Theatre (NYMT) are celebrating being awarded the Guinness World Records most complete costume changes in a lead theatrical role – with 37 changes in their production Our House. This record has been achieved by 2024 NYMT company member Des Coghlan-Forbes (17 years old from North Somerset) who plays the titular role of Joe Casey; he is assisted by Costume Designer Molly Fraser and Wardrobe Assistant Lucy Vickers (18 years old from Lincolnshire).

1 comment:

Kiana Carbone said...

Hearing about a world record like this is amazing. I can only imagine the amount of ingenuity that needed to go into the creation of some of these costumes to ensure the changes could happen in time. Being able to pull something like this off shows a level of professionalism and drive for their craft that's exciting to see especially from actors and crew that are just at the beginning of their professional careers. I would be interested to know how much time was take in tech and outside hours to work on these changes and how involved each one really was. In that vein also seeing the SM and costumes paperwork for tracking this many changes for one actor looks like. I'm also curious if realizing this amount of changes could break a world record was something they always had in their heads or emerged somewhere later in the process as a coincidence.