CMU School of Drama

Monday, September 09, 2024

How Can Dancers' Knowledge Reshape Arts Administration Practices?

Dance Magazine: Today, many artist-administrators bring ingenuity to the tasks that get art out into the world, get things done. We are problem-solvers, but in ways that prioritize responding to the conditions and desires of the art and the artists. It’s about administrative practices reflecting artistic processes.

1 comment:

Eliza Krigsman said...

Firstly, I love the rhetorical questions as a reader- when I took the time to sit and ponder these questions, it made me realize that my first gut-reaction answer wasn’t usually my best and truest answer. I especially appreciated the ones regarding the intersection between dance and administration. The opportunity for introspection is valuable, considering a large part of the arts administration world is about how one presents and demonstrates oneself. Secondly, I love the idea of bridging the gap of art and business. As someone who’s considering arts management, the concept of bringing the artistic process into management is my ideal. I don’t believe the delineation should be rigid, for the betterment of both spheres and that which lies in-between and outside. The metaphor with dance extends deeply, and I find the concept of creative research to be very interesting. Thirdly, I love the conclusion about solidarity among workers - especially with all of the strikes happening - as a result of creative administration ideas.