CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Ukrainian Conductor Yuriy Kerpatenko Killed by Russian Soldiers After Refusing to Lead Concert in Occupied Kherson

Playbill: Ukrainian conductor Yuriy Kerpatenko was killed by Russian soldiers after refusing to participate in a planned concert in Russian-occupied Kherson, according to a social media post from the Ukrainian Ministry of Culture and Information Policy. The government authority learned of the tragedy October 14.


Angie Zarrilli said...

Using music, and art in general as a weapon of violence has got to be one of the most disturbing things I’ve ever heard before. This conductor didn’t want to conduct for the Russians and therefore was murdered? Does that make any sense whatsoever? The Russians wanted him to perform in order to show that life in Kherson was peaceful after being occupied. To die instead of being a part of this propagation is really inspiring to me about what art really means. You shouldn’t create something or participate in something if you don’t truly believe in it. It also is so tragic because Kerpatenko was considered a very highly respected musician in Ukraine, and the Russians used that to their advantage. It’s also so much worse to hear that his killing wasn’t even figured out until weeks later. The Russians invading and taking over Ukrainian territories are committing such terrible acts and it only makes me hope that they are only doing it because the lives of them and their families are on the line; not because they think that this is correct.

Dean Thordarson said...

With every new thing I learn about the Russo Ukranian war that continues to rage on, by distaste with Russia grows even more. This story is a major tragedy, but with everything else that the Russians have done, it is starting to scare me to say that I am not even that surprised anymore. It was even bold of the Russians to ask Kerpatenko to lead a performance in Kherson, which is currently occupied by Russia. If I had to take a wild guess, Kherson and its people are hurting right now. They probably suffered losses too big to speak of in the process of Russia invading their city. Then the Russians have the audacity to ask for the people they have just brutalized to perform as if nothing even happened. It is simply disgusting. And then, of course, to ass insult to injury, when Kerpatenko refused to lead the orchestra, instead of just accepting no as an answer, the Russians instead kill him. I will never understand, and my heart goes out to the community in Kherson and the rest of Ukraine for all they have lost.