CMU School of Drama

Monday, October 24, 2022

House of the Dragon: Barrie Gower on Creating Viserys' Disease The last two months, House of the Dragon has offered a look into the twisty, messed up Targaryen family before their inevitable fall. As the various family members have spent years scheming and trying to dick each other over, the physical condition of Paddy Considine’s Viserys had gradually worsened until his death finally came about in episode eight. What started with small cuts on his hands from sitting on the Iron Throne evolved into losing an entire arm and half his face as the show jumped forward in time.


Hadley said...

I have never watched Game of Thrones or House of Dragon, nor do I have any real idea what they are about. But I LOVE prosthetic makeup. It is so cool to see how a really skilled makeup artist can take a completely healthy normal person and turn them into a sick and scarred person, a zombie, give them a gunshot, sword, bow and arrow wound. I love the possibilities. I took a class on Theatrical makeup and we covered some of the prosthetic makeup skills used on a stage but I would be so interested to see how those differ to skills used for the screen. I imagine the prosthetics for the stage have to be so much more detailed and realistic because of the camera quality. But I am also super curious about how they make prosthetics that work with cgi graphics that take effect in post production. I would love to learn all bout that world of talent. And this article made me go look up pictures of this actor and the decease described, and it is some really cool work.

Maureen Pace said...

Yes, I am on House of The Dragon tiktok. No, I have not finished the series yet but once I have the time I certainly will!! Never watched Game of Thrones, but maybe I will after this show. Anyway, this article was interesting, getting the inside details of creating Viserys’ disease. There were 7 stages of the slow-killing flesh-eating disease he got (I guess from cutting himself on the throne?? The thing needs to be cleaned). It’s interesting how something so visible in the show but so.. Natural in cause took so much work to create. It really was a whole entity unto itself. You don’t think about those details when you watch the show, but its obvious now how precise they were about the creation of those effects to further the story. Guess I have that to look forward to, as Viserys’ health is still relativley good in episode 3.