CMU School of Drama

Monday, October 03, 2022

Denver dance company takes a giant leap off social media

John Moore | Arts & Entertainment | A Denver contemporary ballet company has taken off on an airborne jeté that conventional wisdom might call a bold leap right off the marketing cliff. To the contrtary, Wonderbound Artistic Director Garrett Ammon calls it a glorious vault into freedom from algorithms, branded content, boosted posts and the cesspool of toxicity that is the internet.


Carly Tamborello said...

The idea that “the medium is the message” is such a good point. Especially in the context of the spread of technology and social media. There’s so much focus on having a social media presence, and while I think that can be a way to connect to audience members, the benefit is still when it’s leading to a more personalized level. The algorithms and the mass appeal and all of that really isn’t doing anything for anyone because the market is so saturated with everyone trying to spread their message in the same way. I’m glad that Wonderbound has been able to spread out outside of social media and leave that behind and has still seen success and rising numbers. The idea of reaching out to subscribers individually seems like so much effort but I can see how that would help. I wonder if others will follow their example.

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Gaby F said...

In a very ironic way, it is unorthodox that an organization would want to get rid of social media. I agree with most of the reasoning behind it and I fully support that decision. How could they say they believe in one thing and then immediately turn around to do the exact opposite? I am most surprised at the reaction from their following. I don’t think this is the right move for every single organization though. If someone is looking to gain a younger following social media is the way to go. But if like them (I’m assuming) are just looking to keep that reach closer to their existing following then the bold leap it is. In a culture in which you are expected to be available through all mediums possible, at all times, it is refreshing to know that someone out there is taking one for the team by not being that.