CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Actors Equity Proposal to Pay Actors Roils Los Angeles 99-Seat Theatre Producers

The Hollywood Reporter: A proposal by Actors Equity that actors in 99 seat theatre productions in Los Angeles be paid for their work is stirring controversy among producers – and even among Equity members. The seemingly modest requirement – that actors be paid at least the legal minimum wage for rehearsals and performances – generated almost uniform expressions of rage and contempt at an overflow meeting of producers Saturday.

1 comment:

Aleyse Shannon said...

I'm confused as to why this issue even exists. As an actor, if I were not getting paid I would not work. I think there is some bias in the way producers view the work each department of a production contributes. Because designers produce tangible work and managers and directors are essential for logistical and decision making purposes, it seems absurd to deny them pay. If a lighting designer designs the show, it is unthinkable to not compensate him or her. The actor seems to be thought of as a cheerful donator of talent, as if being on stage were great enough reward. It looks as if the reason for this issue is a lack of value placed on the type of work we do. 54-102 :: A